-----Original Message-----
Subject: Some wage type questions
From: Cunningham Iris
Hi, Philip
We are implementing Version 4.0B at a company in Dubai, just 'across the way'
from you. I have been working on payroll in South Africa since the beginning of
1998 and this is my first implementation on the new international version,
without a country-specific payroll to use as a base.
We have had some strange problems with odd HR policies and it has certainly
added to the challenge of implementing payroll in the UAE.
Our mandate here as consultants is to implement SAP standard, so we are
extremely limited when it comes to ABAPs or any such thing. We have used
features to the best of our knowledge to do what we can, but there are a number
of validations that the users wish to do, but are limited because of the project
management rules on the mandate.
The ABAPs we have had approved are absolute necessities without which we would
have only a half-baked implementation. I would like to if possible provide some
solutions to the validation issues our client has.
I've heard through the SAP grapevine that one can use features to validate
payroll master data for wage types. For example, the situation we have come
across here is that the company would like to validate a number of different
parts of master data for certain wage types that their employees do or don't
get: For a wage type "Bachelor Allowance" (which refers to bachelor apartments -
confusing!) they want to validate against the marital status of the employee. If
he is single he gets X amount according to his grade, if he is married he gets Y
amount according to his grade. So T510 alone is not enough. And the two wage
types should be mutually exclusive, i.e. if he gets one, he can't have the other
on an additional IT0014 record.
Another example is validating the employee's basic salary against a table like
T510N. The problem being that T510N validates against ANNUAL salary not monthly
and I cannot find anywhere in the system where one can set it to look at the
amount field for the basic salary wage type rather than the annual salary field.
Also this is the only table I can find that allows for validation against a
range per wage type per grade (payscale group).
We are currently looking at user exits to try and make a plan, but that's a bit
limited for the complexity of this issue.
If there are any features that you perhaps know of that can be adjusted to
validate certain payroll master data against wage types, I would be glad of your
Now I've rattled on enough, but I'd be happy to share ideas and our
experiences on this side if there is any way I can help.
Thanks for taking the time to read this mail.
Best wishes for the new year ahead,
Iris Cunningham
CDE Middle East
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: Re: Some wage type questions
From: Steers, Philip L
Most of the work you are describing is outside of payroll. Much of this can
be done through the benefits module or using IT0014 or IT0015. Some of these
types of payments are just dynamically generated wage types that you will have
to create based n the employee sub group or other parameters that exist. For
example, we have transportation allowance based on where the employee lives and
where he works. We will set up a separate IT0006 subtype for these and then read
them in payroll and then make a decision on them. (We will also look at what
other countries are using and use them as a model
to support our needs.)
We have only seen T510N used successfully in the USA with the US payroll. The
same for benefits. We have chosen to set our country code to the US because our
corporate model follows the USA patterns for payroll the closest. We still will
have to write a lot of PCRs, etc.
Without writing a user exit we don't know how to use table t510n, except on
an annual basis. We have tried to use it on a monthly basis also.
We have written SAP about that and they said we were the only other company
outside of the USA that wanted that. Now, of course, you could let them know
your problems, too. (SAP will deny that we asked them about this, unless you are
very clear with them, that others are really interested in using this
We want to run payrolls with 4 currencies. And SAP has problems with that
also. Watch out for fake FX gains and losses.
We are now working with 4.5A.
We are going to have quite a few dynamically generated wage types, because of
which employee group or subgroup or personnel area or sub area an employee is
in. (These will not appear in any IT).
Philip L. Steers, III; CPA
HR/FI Team
Saudi Aramco